Project explore new ways to instill students with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful innovators in an ever-evolving 21st century
An interactive reading application that encourages children to read

Project Idea
The Challenges
Maneno is a platform that provides the best solution for the education domain in rendering epub format books. The platform mainly focuses on increasing children's reading skills. So the main tasks were
To provide online library
To add supporting text and audio formats
To provide books with different levels of complexity
Implementation of gamification and building social relationships

The Solutions
The PioGroup team has developed from scratch a solution that covers all aspects from the business perspective, providing such features as
Render files with epub format
Support the audio, text and narration
Items tokenization
External API for words definition
External API for words translation
Custom design implementation
Internal and external data caching
Multifunctional reader
Elements animation
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