When the pandemic hit, the effect of learning and development trends became obvious. Corporate learning and development trends have moved to the forefront of the company strategy over the past two years. It has been a breakthrough for both companies and learners.
What learning and development trends can we expect in 2023, considering the industry's constant evolution? Below, we’ll describe the top 10 trends in training and development to consider in 2023:
1. Improving the Employee Experience
Training wastes resources if employees don’t absorb what they learned and apply it into their work. The best conditions for deep learning may be achieved by placing the employee's experience first and by prioritizing their particular demands. Related article: The 13 most important advantages of corporate eLearning.
An encouraging learning environment can be created by simple, user-friendly features like mobile device compatibility, social media integration, a well-organized document library with search, and video content with relatable presenters. You may ask for fast feedback to create a genuinely customized learning experience and then immediately implement any improvements.
2. Developing Internal Mobility
Candidates with extremely specific expertise who already fit your corporate culture may be found through hiring internally. But it only works when employees want to stay with your company and feel encouraged to take on new tasks.
Companies that go above and beyond to assist internal mobility with programs like career development seminars and one-on-one coaching keep staff members on average for 5.4 years as opposed to 2.9 years at typical companies. Additionally, it ensures that you don't have any significant knowledge or skill gaps as a result of unexpected departures.
Effective internal development programs include numerous components. Each element serves to highlight a company's dedication to employee development, all with the goal of providing them with the resources and assistance they need to forge rewarding and varied careers. Several components include:
Moving up the career ladder by promotion.
A lateral shift to another department or team has the same seniority but a different job.
Conversations on how to further your career with managers and other leaders on a regular basis constitute career development.
Devoted mentorship from a top executive who can direct your professional path.
Opportunities for retraining and upskilling via learning and development.
A company's internal talent-sharing processes enable staff to take on new tasks.
3. Workplace Hybridization
It's common in companies to have a hybrid workplace. 92% of businesses anticipate some staff working remotely. Remote workers make up close to 70% of the worldwide workforce. In 2023, the hybrid workplace will be the driving force behind change as workers require new tools and flexibility to move with the times.
Upskilling and reskilling are required for workplace adaptation. An adaptable training infrastructure is needed to train a hybrid workforce. It needs to support both local and remote employees.
Blended learning environments are offered by learning organizations. Employees may study both locally and remotely by combining classroom training with online learning and virtual meetings. Being in the forefront of learning technology, they do not need to compromise with the learning experience.
4. Investing in New Technology
It's almost criminal to expect clever, busy students to plod through a stack of static PowerPoint slides in the age of creative, entertaining methods to teach. With the assistance of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, new formats like virtual or augmented reality can produce engrossing and memorable experiences that will help your learners retain important ideas and abilities.
For example, you may utilize tools like Hour One to build personal AI presenters in place of faceless voiceover narration to make your content more engaging.
Or take into account DrivEd LMS to streamline your training process, keep all records in one place, track employees development, add educational content and much more.
5. Teaching Soft Skills
When compared to understanding how to code or handle heavy equipment, communication, leadership, and teamwork abilities may be referred to as "soft skills." However, there is genuine power in being able to connect with people, form relationships with them, and help in their development. Developing an employee's soft skills may always result in greater performance, better results, and more prospects for advancement, regardless of how many hard skills they have acquired.
The Talespin "CoPilot" software is a great example of virtual reality training for soft skills. On Talespin's CoPilot platform, you may deploy artificially intelligent virtual people with social and emotional intelligence to teach social skills.
6. Reskilling and Upskilling
The recent changes have created a need for ongoing retraining or upskilling at work. To do their best work, people need to regularly refresh their knowledge and skills. Having L&D trends in eLearning platforms for upskilling has become the ideal answer given that corporate learning and development trends work are primarily performed remotely. When you upskill your workers in a timely manner, you can keep them informed of technological advancements and gain an advantage in reaching your company objectives. Related article: What is the Price of not Providing Employee Training?
7. Gamification
Instead of studying alone, collaborative technologies like gamification enable learners to work together, engage in learning, and have fun while doing it. The current trend of having digital access will allow for virtual collaboration and peer learning among employees. Positive working connections are further developed through social learning, which speeds up business growth.
A great example of elearning gamification is EdApp's "Next in Order" game, which may quickly inform learners of significant new procedural changes and reinforce them through learning activities and online courses. This game is a very effective approach to wrap up a lecture about a procedure and gathers employee completion rates in real-time. In addition to a few free customizable gamified templates, EdApp also offers over 50 more templates and learning resources, allowing you the chance to suit all different types of students. Related article: How Much Does it Cost to Develop an Educational App?
8. Content Repurposing
Corporate L&D teams now need to regularly generate, monitor, and update their learning content due to the growth of eLearning. Repurposing current educational materials into multimodal learning content, or reformatting the same L&D course content across video, audio, text, and visual content, is a trend to watch in 2023.
Modern learning management systems (LMS) and employee training software platforms make it much easier for L&D professionals to automatically create different types of new training and development content from a single core training piece, saving them time from having to manually repurpose it into different content formats.
9. Microlearning
The practice of cutting up L&D course material into little, digestible learning units—usually no longer than five minutes—is known as microlearning. According to research, microlearning can increase student engagement by 50% and information retention by up to 80%.
Microlearning is a means for L&D teams to get creative with their learning materials. It can take the form of daily assignments, brief videos, in-app tooltips or walkthroughs, and more. Additionally, L&D teams may encourage the completion of microlearning material by gamifying employee education and training assignments. This form of content is also easier to reuse and renew.
10. AI Technology
Online learning management, guidance, and facilitation will require more than ever the use of automation technology like AI. Related article: AI in eLearning. The Importance of Chatbots.
Learning and development teams may begin using AI to produce personalized learning programs even though there are course authoring platforms that make use of the technology to develop content. The AI technology may give recommendations and full curricula based on profiles and prior skills evaluations so that employees can concentrate on learning.
It is likely that AI will become more widely used and thoroughly integrated into several types of learning technology in the upcoming year. Josh Bersin discusses the developing metaverse technology and how advancements like this will continue to transform virtual learning experiences in his HR Predictions for 2023 Report.
The use of AI for learning personalisation is excellent, but Querium takes a different approach. This online tutoring application evaluates the steps students take to solve a STEM problem and gives quick feedback on what they are doing right or wrong.
To Sum Up
Since the majority of teaching has shifted from in-person instruction to online learning, 2022 has been the year of transition for learning and development trends. The adoption of learning management systems has increased the relationship between education and technology both now and in the future.
According to the 2023 Learning & Development Trends, learning will be increasingly individualized, practical, mobile, and goal-oriented thanks to online learning management systems.